02 January, 2011

And thusly ends another decade. I end this year, personally, with many thoughts in my head. None of those pertaining to any sort of resolution-because I find that telling myself I must do something at the beginning of the year is not nearly enough, you cannot simply say something. To have a resolution you must do. Live out your resolution rather than advertising it and failing.I end this year a bit lighter than average (not only in weight, but as well in baggage), I lost quite a few friends and feel as though I am losing the few I do have left. I suppose this may be attributed to my mother's stoic nature which she has imposed upon me, or perhaps I am just a miserable person to be around, in either case, I am content with who I am and could not be happier in the situation I currently hold. I end this year in a new relationship. I am with a man I feel I cannot do without. He is incredible, pushes me to reach for the stars and makes me feel more confident and happy than I can ever remember being previously. For that I am grateful.I sit here on New Years Eve with my hair done up, makeup on and even nail polish on my nails-something you would not have caught me doing last year. With my new-found confidence, ideas came into my head of wanting to "look good". I then began wearing nice clothes, makeup, high heels, and I even go to the gym quite a bit. I am a confident, proud and new me.
Things will be changing in this coming year completely, vastly and irreversibly. My boyfriend plans on leaving for the military, US Navy. I will be becoming a Navy Girlfriend.I am concerned about this, immensely. I have been looking at so many ways to cope when he leaves, we are even considering my following him. I know, though, whatever choice we make, I will be strong and hold true. I am ready for this and for the years to come. Support or none.

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