09 January, 2011

The weekend was incredible, but I do have a few things I want to talk about other than my fabulous weekend with my boyfriend.

1.) How it feels to be the daughter and girlfriend of people who speak other languages-it is fabulous to be exposed to other cultures and to hear different languages constantly, but sometimes you feel really left out. ):


2.) My boyfriend and I watched a romantic movie tonight ("How Do You Know?") and it got me thinking about what romantic things I am into- so I am attempting to compile a list which I will post in a post later-hopefully :D

3.) Philosophy- I have been reading "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire and wow, powerful stuff- I still have a ways to go in the book, but I am totally diggin what I am reading. Also- we are watching The Matrix next week in my film class-that movie...I think I have seen it a million times- growing up with my nerdy father :D I am excited though.

4.) EMERALD CITY COMICON! Dad says we are going. Oh my gosh.

5.) My boyfriend is incredible! We went out to Mexican food and got a cheesecake (from the cheesecake factory) last night and then ate Texan Grill today and went to a movie. He makes me heart melt, just as an fyiiii <3

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