27 March, 2011

Wow, completely forgot about blogging, haha.
I am still attending college, Spring quarter starts tomorrow!
I am taking Math, Surviving the Holocaust, Public Speaking for Educators and Women on Weights (:
I am excited!
I am also starting to make my own clothes, I will post pictures when they are done, I am excited!!!!

03 February, 2011

Navy Girl?

SO I talked to a Navy recruiter with some girl friends today;
It was actually pretty fabulous and I am pretty excited about the possibility of joining.
The only reason I didn't enlist immediately is that I need to lose a bit of weight first.
SO these next few weeks I need MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!

Please have my back on this (:

02 February, 2011

This new mindset is like an addiction-no, more like an incurable disease, coursing and spreading through my veins, my limbs, but more importantly, my mind.
I have come to believe that the only thing real and sincere in this life are thoughts.
Physical bodies are nothing, but vessels for a mind- the TRUE existence.

This brought up an odd conversation, though, with a close friend of mine. If our minds-our thoughts, are the only thing sincere and real, then does that make a TRUE artificial intelligence (one that mimics thoughts of humans, to the point of having sincere thought) REAL?

This question is eating away at me.

26 January, 2011

As per usual my head is still delved in some sort of attempt to figure out what makes the world tick. I think that once you begin thinking about it, all the little things of everyday life become somewhat trivial. This may be the reason I have had difficulty eating and sleeping. My mind is not in the now really, though I am spending time with friends and such (which is a fabulous change of events)- I am doing it in a somewhat passive manner. Odd, but I do not think it will be changing any time soon.

I am motivated, however, to become a teacher. Especially after a lecture from one of my professors on Monday and after Obama's State of the Union address last night. The most impacting quote from that speech had to be "Become a teacher, your country needs you". That was highly inspiring to me, and I am motivated to work harder in my studies (though all the thinking causes me to lose sleep and not eat-which proves difficult when it comes to attempting to focus).

My boyfriend has a new goal for me: to make girl friends. He wants me to be able to go out and do things while he is gone, and I really only have male friends (that is not to take away from the few girl friends I do have!!). But there is no one who wants to go to the clubs or shop. We are all so delved in our studies (or they are delved into clubs, activities) that I hardly find someone with similar interests (and similar funds aka $0). So this is my new project I guess, though it seems somewhat trivial, maybe it will get me out of this "funk".

19 January, 2011

Apologies, I have been really busy. Schoolwork and such.
An few old friends have been reintroduced into my life and it is fabulous. I have been working my hardest to remain social whilst still getting things done. I am doing well so far, I think.
Though I should be reading some essays right now, I feel some down time is necissary in order to maintain my sanity.

My birthday is on Sunday, I will be turning nineteen, so that is exciting.
I am not sure what I will be doing, but a few friends have invited to take me out, so that is nice (:
Other than that, I really do not have much to talk about, though I do have an essay I will link here once I finish it, because I am pretty proud of it (:

13 January, 2011

Right now I am (still) exhausted and though the weekend is coming I feel no relief. I have a 2500 word essay due Monday and I have to read a hundred or so pages of Freire and a book called "How to Escape From a Leper Colony" so I will be very busy.
Unfortunately my mind still refuses discontinue its constant intellectual rampage of thought.
I am going to try to relax a bit this weekend- I intend to attend the Seattle MLK ceremony and make a trip to an abandoned insane asylum with a few friend- I also wish to go Swing Dancing, but alas I fear that may not happen.
I do not like going without my boyfriend-in fear that he might get offended that I would dance with other men (he has not voiced problem with it, in fact he encourages me to go out with my girlfriends to dance, but in his culture dancing with someone else is considered cheating, so I am afraid I will offend?)

Anyway this post is fairly pointless- I am too tired to continue. So here is a picture of how tired I feel.

11 January, 2011

I am exhausted...

but I feel the need to update-I think in my mind I have turned this blog into more of a challenge than anything, I always told myself I couldn't keep up with a blog and since I told myself that I feel the need to prove myself wrong, I guess?
Anyway, I am also attempting to strive toward my "ideal body", which may not be what many people see as ideal, but I like.
I like having curves and being "thick", but not fat, I like muscular legs and a curved waist, so that is what I am striving for!
(wish me luck!). I have been going to the gym when I get the time (between all the damned school work!!!) and I am running on empty as of this moment. I long for sleep or relaxation, the latter of which I have never really been able to achieve (any tips??).
I am also striving to "eat better", which basically refers to no "junk", which I am actually very good at (when my boyfriend and I eat out it is commonly Phở) and I am not particularly fond of french fries or any of the common "junk food" tempters. So that is that.

I am running myself ragged in thought, I have been stuck in philosophy class for the entire weekend up until today and I am sure it will follow me for quite a while. It makes me tired, trying to sort all my thoughts and explain my personal philosophies as well as those I am attempting to instill into my brain (obliterating dualism-it is more difficult than it seems).

I have made some mistakes recently with my boyfriend, which I regret and I feel terrible about-and I have been lingering on for far too long. As I have said before, he intends to leave for the Navy soon, which I am heartbroken about (but I am very, very proud and excited for him too!) I just do not know what his intentions with me are. If he leaves and wants to see/sleep with other girls, I will not allow him to call me his girlfriend, because I feel that is unfair, but he really is not the kind of man to care immensely about sex (though I am sure with enough time away-he may). So this causes an inner conflict within me- is physical love connected to emotional love? In many (monogamous) cases, yes, it is. So what does that mean for us?
I suppose it is just time to "cross that bridge when we get there"? He never seems particularly inclined to discuss the topic-

10 January, 2011

What is Human?

What is human? To me it is the idea of not only living, but also those things that we humans feel- raging emotions. What does it mean to be dehumanized? To take away the human traits and characteristics of someone, by my definition. For example, Congresswoman Giffords shooting- I am led to understand that on Sarah Palin's website there were crosshairs (like that of a scope of a gun) used in reference to strong Democratic and Liberal representatives (See this article) This is dehumanization in the sense that this image takes away human traits of these representatives-showing them as something to be hunted (these types of images-this rhetoric is used by many political parties, I am not attempting to advocate one or the other). This same method was used by Hitler and the Nazi's, calling the Jews "rats" and treated them as something to be hunted. Our humanity is being rhetoric-ed out from under us. In Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" he attempts to break down the duality (or "us" and "them", "democrat" and "republican", "teacher" and "student", basically any label of difference between class or importance of people) of human kind. This is incredibly significant because it takes away the "I am right and you are wrong" idea, and opens everyone up to free dialogue, actual and real discussion. Is this not a more human(e) way to live?

09 January, 2011

The weekend was incredible, but I do have a few things I want to talk about other than my fabulous weekend with my boyfriend.

1.) How it feels to be the daughter and girlfriend of people who speak other languages-it is fabulous to be exposed to other cultures and to hear different languages constantly, but sometimes you feel really left out. ):


2.) My boyfriend and I watched a romantic movie tonight ("How Do You Know?") and it got me thinking about what romantic things I am into- so I am attempting to compile a list which I will post in a post later-hopefully :D

3.) Philosophy- I have been reading "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire and wow, powerful stuff- I still have a ways to go in the book, but I am totally diggin what I am reading. Also- we are watching The Matrix next week in my film class-that movie...I think I have seen it a million times- growing up with my nerdy father :D I am excited though.

4.) EMERALD CITY COMICON! Dad says we are going. Oh my gosh.

5.) My boyfriend is incredible! We went out to Mexican food and got a cheesecake (from the cheesecake factory) last night and then ate Texan Grill today and went to a movie. He makes me heart melt, just as an fyiiii <3

06 January, 2011

I just found out the most brilliant news-

I have been a bit behind on the goings-on in Seattle as of late, but I found out that the Brother's McManus (Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus <33)>I HAVEEEE TO GO! That is my favourite film and I adore the boys, they are such cuties! I MUST find a way to go!!!
Getting a picture with them would be BRILLIANT! :D

05 January, 2011


Oh my goodness, I feel like my meals today deserved an entire post dedicated to them.
My mouth has had every fancy tickled today and it has resulted in an extremely pleased tummy.
In the morning, my sister fried up some eggs, easy enough, but still delicious.
Moving on to lunch...I left home early to meet up with my friend while she was on lunch break from classes. We decided to try out the Taco Truck that parks in our college parking lot every day.

Before today I had only ever had tortas from taco trucks (sooo delicious!), but today I had a Mexican tamale (much different from the Honduran ones I had from my boyfriend's

father). But the real "bang!" was the tacos, so
sooooo delicious!!!
Then for dinner, when I got home from classes, BAM, my parents had brought me home a burrito from when they went out to dinner at "La Playa Bonita". Yum! Yum! Yum!
Well, off to homework! ):

04 January, 2011

I realize that I am hyper critical of female singers-for the most part.
Probably because I am a trained vocalist, though I haven't sung in front of people for a few months. Though a few (modern and not-so modern) female artists I adore:

They are all fairly different-but in my female voices I prefer a more "mature" sound-I suppose.
Though I have to be in a very particular mood to listen to female vocalists.
I also enjoy:
(will be added as realized, I suppose)

02 January, 2011

Winter quarter begins tomorrow and I am only slightly excited to get back into the groove of things. I have been lazy since break started-but only in my studies. As far as socially and physically, I have been very active, working out at the gym and spending more time with friends than is average for me, so for that I am pleased.
This quarter I am taking 17 credits-five of which I am thrilled about, my "Philosophy in Cinema" class. Though this does not directly relate to my idea of a major, it seemed like "my" kind of class. I am also taking English, Math and Educational Philosophies (Mind you, I am still a freshman). I am already pondering whether or not to partake in Summer Quarter- or to dash off to Hawai`i again and spend time with my family. I am really not sure what I am to do, I have decided to try to "roll with the punches" this year, because it is surely to be a doozy.

On a different note, New Years was quite interesting and I learned that I have the ability to go past my personal qualms with bodily fluids to help someone in need and I am glad to have learned that fact and that the person in question came out perfectly fine.
I also got my New Years kiss- in an odd way.

And thusly ends another decade. I end this year, personally, with many thoughts in my head. None of those pertaining to any sort of resolution-because I find that telling myself I must do something at the beginning of the year is not nearly enough, you cannot simply say something. To have a resolution you must do. Live out your resolution rather than advertising it and failing.I end this year a bit lighter than average (not only in weight, but as well in baggage), I lost quite a few friends and feel as though I am losing the few I do have left. I suppose this may be attributed to my mother's stoic nature which she has imposed upon me, or perhaps I am just a miserable person to be around, in either case, I am content with who I am and could not be happier in the situation I currently hold. I end this year in a new relationship. I am with a man I feel I cannot do without. He is incredible, pushes me to reach for the stars and makes me feel more confident and happy than I can ever remember being previously. For that I am grateful.I sit here on New Years Eve with my hair done up, makeup on and even nail polish on my nails-something you would not have caught me doing last year. With my new-found confidence, ideas came into my head of wanting to "look good". I then began wearing nice clothes, makeup, high heels, and I even go to the gym quite a bit. I am a confident, proud and new me.
Things will be changing in this coming year completely, vastly and irreversibly. My boyfriend plans on leaving for the military, US Navy. I will be becoming a Navy Girlfriend.I am concerned about this, immensely. I have been looking at so many ways to cope when he leaves, we are even considering my following him. I know, though, whatever choice we make, I will be strong and hold true. I am ready for this and for the years to come. Support or none.